By settling your mind and body into a state of relaxation, your own system has the space to heal itself.
Acupuncture is a treatment method used in Chinese Medicine, a complete medical system aimed at treating the underlying root causes of disharmony in the body. As a holistic therapy, treatments are individualized to benefit the patient as a whole - to restore balance for both physical and emotional well-being.
Very thin, sterile, and single-use needles are gently inserted into specific points on the body along a series of channels (energetic pathways) that interconnect tissues, muscles, and organs. Through these channels, Qi (vital energy) and blood flow freely to break through stagnation (stuck areas) and nourish the body.
From a Chinese Medicine perspective, "when there is blockage, there is pain." Acupuncture initiates smooth Qi and blood flow through the channels to provide relief from physical, emotional, and energetic symptoms. It restores homeostasis by promoting circulation, reducing inflammation, stimulating endorphins to alleviate pain, and calming the nervous system - which is what makes it so relaxing!